Ecosystem Rewards

Ecosystem Rewards

The Ecosystem Rewards algorithm implements a version of the Thompson Sampling algorithm for solving multi-armed bandit style problems.


The Ecosystem Rewards algorithm stores and updates a beta distribution for each offer in each segment in the system. When offers need to be scored for an entity in a given segment, the beta distributions for the offers in the segment are sampled and the samples are used as the scores for the offers. Segements can be specified using up to two discrete contextual variables or segmentation can be done at the entity level - i.e. each entity has it’s own beta distribution for for each offer.

The beta distributions are specified using an alpha and beta parameter. When an offer is presented and accetped then the alpha parameter for the relevant distribution is incremented. When and offer is presented and not accepted then the beta parameter for the relevant distribution is incremented. The size of the increment in each case is a parameter that can be set when configurating the algorithm. The historical data used for this updating of alpha and beta can be windowed by either time and or the number of events for each offer in a specific segment. It is stongly recommended that a window approach be configured, both for performance reasons and to prevent historical data from overwhelming changes in the current state of the system.

By default the algorith will assume initial values of one for both alpha and beta for all of the distributions. This corresponds to a uniform distribution, which is a reasonable assumption when no data is available. However, it is possible to specify different initial values for alpha and beta for each offer in each segment. This can be useful when there is some prior knowledge about the performance of the offers in the system.


  • Processing Window: Restricts the data used when the model updates based on a time period from the present going back a specified in milliseconds.
  • Historical Count: Restricts the data used when the model updates based on a count of interactions. The count used is per offer and segment.
  • Decay Parameter: Used to treat repeated interactions from the same customer differently from one off interactions from individual customers. The weight of each interaction from a customer is reduced by a factor of one over the decay parameter, i.e. the latest interaction has a weight of one, the interaction before that has a weight of one over the decay parameter and the interaction before that has a weight of one over the decay parameter squared
  • Max interactions: Used to treat repeated interactions from the same customer differently from one off interactions from individual customers. Restricts the number of interactions from an individual customer that will be used when updating the model - the latest interactions will be used.
  • Success Reward: The size of the increment to the alpha parameter of the beta distributions used in the Thompson Sampling when an interaction is successful. This impacts the rate of convergence.
  • Fail Reward: The size of the increment to the beta parameter of the beta distributions used in the Thompson Sampling when an interaction is not successful. This impacts the rate of convergence.
  • Prior Success Reward: The size of the increment to the alpha parameter of the beta distributions used in the Thompson Sampling when an interaction is successful in the historical data. Used when historical data is used to train the algorithm before deployment.
  • Prior Fail Reward: The size of the increment to the beta parameter of the beta distributions used in the Thompson Sampling when an interaction is not successful in the historical data. Used when historical data is used to train the algorithm before deployment.
  • Test options across segments: If there are options that are configured to only be available for specific values of the contextual variables, electing to test options across segments will occasionally predict those options for contextual variable values where they are not available.


Below is an example configuration of the Ecosystem Rewards algorithm in python

from prediction.apis import deployment_management as dm
from prediction.apis import ecosystem_generation_engine as ge
from prediction.apis import data_management_engine as dme
from prediction.apis import online_learning_management as ol
from prediction.apis import prediction_engine as pe
from prediction.apis import worker_file_service as fs
from prediction import jwt_access
auth = jwt_access.Authenticate("http://localhost:3001/api", ecosystem_username, ecosystem_password)
deployment_id = "demo-deployment"
online_learning_uuid = ol.create_online_learning(
        description="Demo deployment for illustrating python configuration",
        contextual_variables_contextual_variable_one_from_data_source = True,
        contextual_variables_contextual_variable_one_lookup = "customer_segment",
online_learning = dm.define_deployment_multi_armed_bandit(epsilon=0, dynamic_interaction_uuid=online_learning_uuid)
parameter_access = dm.define_deployment_parameter_access(
deployment_step = dm.create_deployment(
    description="Demo project for illustrating python configuration",