Local Installation of ecosystem.Ai with Docker

For most scenarios, Docker Compose is the recommended installation method due to its simplicity, ease of use, and reliability.


Installation Steps

Follow these steps to set up ecosystem.Ai with the default configuration:

Step 1. Download the Installation Files

Manual Download

  1. Go to the Install Option for your Architecture
  1. Download the ZIP File: Click the green “Code” button, then click “Download ZIP.”

  2. Extract the ZIP File: Find the downloaded ZIP file, right-click, and select “Extract All…”.

Using Git

Run the following git command in your terminal, from the desired parent directory:

git clone https://github.com/ecosystemai/ecosystem.git

To update to the latest install options and files:

git pull

Step 2. Install Docker

  1. Download: Go to Docker Desktop Download Page and download Docker Desktop.
  2. Install: Open the installer and follow the instructions.
  3. Run: Open Docker Desktop to ensure it is running.


  • Docker Desktop is recommended for most users.
  • Podman configurations will be available in the future.
  • You may need to restart your computer after installation.

Step 3. Run the App

  1. Navigate to the Project Directory
  • ARM64
cd ecosystem/docker-arm
  • x86
cd ecosystem/docker-x86
  • Windows
cd ecosystem\docker-windows
  1. Create and Configure .env File:
  • Copy the contents of ecosystem_env.txt to a new file named .env.
  • Fill in any necessary values.
  • The .env file is hidden on unix as it starts with a ”.”. On Mac use Shift CMD . to list hidden files.
  • Ensure that there are enough resources assigned to Docker. Use ulimit -a to check the limits. Assign 128000 to “file descriptors”.



An optional variable is used to assign an initial password on startup.

  1. Start the Application: Find your correct install folder. Run the following command from within the install directory:
  • ARM64
  • x86
  • Windows

Additional Setup

Unlock additional features by exploring our configuration guides to learn how to set up:

  • Custom endpoints
  • Other advanced configuration options
  • And more

This will enable you to customize your ecosystem.Ai experience with optional features.

see also: