User Guides
Dynamic Recommender


The Deployment section of the Workbench is where you deploy machine learning models into production environments, ensuring they are operational, scalable, and integrated seamlessly with existing systems to deliver real-time insights and actions.

Now that you have uploaded, ingested and viewed your data, and configured your dynamic recommender, you will need to put it into production. Deployment is where you will set your dynamic recommender to be used in the Production, Quality Assurance or Test environment.

In the Deployment section of the Workbench, you will find Projects.

This is where you will be able to configure the parameters of your deployment, and push it to the desired environment.

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Default settings are good!

Most of the settings in this step can be left at their default values.

Find your project in the list of projects and click on it to view or create the deployments for it.

deployments list

Add Deployment

To view and edit a pre-existing deployment configuration, click on the deployment name. In order to create a new deployment, select + Add Deployment.

Add deployment A window will open up below where you can specify the details of your new deployment.

Configure Deployment

Set the case configuration for your dynamic recommender deployment.

Configure deployment

Create a unique Prediction Case ID name. Add a Description that is relevant to the specific deployment you are configuring. Add the Type and the Purpose of your deployment. You can leave the Type and Purpose blank if you are unsure of what to put there.

Input the properties details and set the Version of the deployment step.

This Version number should be updated every time you make changes to the deployment. Specify the Environment Status in which you will be deploying your configuration. Then input the Performance Expectation and Complexity settings for your set up. Update your deployment before proceeding to selecting and filling in the details in the settings dropdowns.

Deployment Settings

Selecting any of the checkboxes on the right, will reveal the Settings sections relevant to that option, at the bottom of the page.

Deployment settings dropdowns


Select Plugins to use the pre-defined scoring class in your experiment.

Use the dropdown to Select a Predefined Post-score Class and choose PlatformDynamicEngagement. You will see that this selection will populate the pre-score and post-score class windows.

New Knowledge (explore/exploit)

Select New Knowledge (explore/exploit) to assign the UUID you generated in Dynamic Experiments.

In the Dynamic Pulse Responder Reference section, set the UUID of the configuration that you are going to push into production.

Click on the UUID in the field and click out again to validate the dynamic parameter.

You donโ€™t need to worry about the rest of the fields, but it is suggested that you set the epsilon to 0 for most dynamic recommender setups.

Prediction Activators

There are a range of different Prediction Activators that can be selected to enhance the functionality of your deployments.

Prediction Activators further documentation

Detailed documentation coming soon

Offer matrix

  • loaded in memory and accessed in the plugins. For the purpose of default pricing, category and other forms of lookup.


  • supports three primary areas: API definition, pre-score logic and post-score logic. There are a number of post-score templates.

Budget Tracker

  • track offers and other items used through the scoring engine, and alter the behavior of the scoring system. Must include the post-score template for this option to work.


  • allows you to test certain options with customers. The results will be obtained from a lookup table. Must include the post-score template for this option to work.

New knowledge

  • allows you to add exploration to your recommender. This will happen by specifying the epsilon parameter. Epsilon% (eg. 0.3 = 30%) of the interactions will be selected at random, while the remaining ones will be selected using the model.

Pattern selector

  • allows different patterns when when options are presented, through the scoring engine result.

Push Configuration

Remember to Update! When you are done with your deployment configuration, click Push to set the deployment up in your specified environment. No downtime is required!

The Generate and Build buttons are not needed for now, they are designed for Enterprise and on-premise setups.

Your predictions are now ready to be used in your desired environment, we suggest you test your APIs in the Workbench before going live!