Runtime & Deployment
Plugins: Pre-Predict
Pre-Score Dynamic

Pre-Score Dynamic Plugin

The Pre-Score Dynamic plugin is a plugin that is used to format the input to the predictor before when using Dynamic Interaction configurations. The Pre-Score Dynamic plugin is a default pre-predict plugin that is available in the ecosystem.Ai platform and can be extended to create custom pre-scoring logic plugins.

How does it work?

The Pre-Score Dynamic plugin loads the Dynamic Interaction configurations. It then uses these configurations to set any Virtual Variables that have been configured and then adds the values of the contextual variables to the params object that is carried through the runtime process.

Java Code

This Java class named PreScoreDynamic extends PreScoreSuper, which provides functionality that can be used across different pre-scoring plugins.

Then, there is a static method named getPrePredict(MongoClient mongoClient, JSONObject params, CqlSession session). This function takes three parameters: a MongoClient object (which is used to interact with a MongoDB database), a JSONObject object params (which likely holds the parameter data needed for the method), and a CqlSession object session (which provides a session for executing CQL commands for DataStax database.)

The function first checks if lookupDatabase is null, if it is then it returns the input params as is.

If lookupDatabase isn’t null, then the function uses getDynamicSettings to get the Dynamic Interaction configuration from the MongoDB database using the locations for the configurations contained in params. It uses the configuration to populate the Virtual variables using getVirtualVariables and populate the contextual variables using getPrepopulateContextualVariables.

If any exception occurs during the execution of the function, it logs the error message (LOGGER.error()) including the UUID from the params and specifics of the failed dynamic parameters, also prints the stack trace of the exception (e.printStackTrace();). The function then returns the params object.

The following is an example of the Post Score Basic plugin implemented in Java:

package com.ecosystem.plugin.customer;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession;
import com.ecosystem.utils.GlobalSettings;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
import org.json.JSONObject;
 * Add key/value to properties predictor.param.lookup to allow for contextual variable lookup:
 * dynamic_lookup: 'dynamic_lookup_just4u_v1'
public class PreScoreDynamic extends PreScoreSuper {
    public PreScoreDynamic() throws Exception {
     * Pre-pre predict
    public void getPrePredict() {
     * getPostPredict
     * example setting in properties file (look for dynamic_lookup: 'dynamic_lookup_just4u'):
     * predictor.param.lookup={predictor:'justforyou',mojo:1,database:'mongodb',db:'vodacom',table:'fs_score_all_estore_gsm_recommender_rel_1',dynamic_lookup: 'dynamic_lookup_just4u',lookup:{"value":123,"key":"msisdn"},result:{parm1:'field1', parm2:'field2'}}
     * @param params
     * @param session
     * @return
    public static JSONObject getPrePredict(MongoClient mongoClient, JSONObject params, CqlSession session) throws IOException {
        if (lookupDatabase == null) return params;
        try {
            /** Get dynamic properties and add virtual variables to the feature store. */
            params = getDynamicSettings(mongoClient, params);
            params = getVirtualVariables(params);
            /** Pupulate contextual variables by default based on settings. */
            params = getPrepopulateContextualVariables(params);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("PreScoreDynamic:E001:UUID: " + params.get("uuid") + " Dynamic parameters failed: " + params.toString());
        return params;


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